Apartament remarcabil cu caracteristici aparte, in cartier Luceafarul

320.000 EUR
ID:BRK548  Oradea,  Calea Aradului
243 afisari

Descriere apartament

Iata o locuinta, ce insumeaza o suprafata totala de 324 mp, pe care rar ai ocazia sa o intalnesti, iesita din tipare si perfecta pentru cei care isi doresc mai mult decat un simplu spatiu de locuit!

Apartamentul cu tripla orientare Est-Sud-Vest, este compus din doua dormitoare, fiecare cu farmecul sau: unul beneficiaza de dressing si baie proprie, iar celalalt te invita spre o terasa perfecta pentru momente de relaxare. Spatiul central, un living generos cu open kitchen, iti ofera cadrul ideal pentru serile petrecute cu cei dragi. In plus, o a doua baie si un hol primitor intregesc aceasta locuinta bine gandita, toate insumand o suprafata utila de peste 96 mp.

Dar ce face acest apartament cu adevarat deosebit sunt terasele sale, adevarate oaze de relaxare. Din interior, pasesti catre o terasa inchisa, de 46 mp, amenajata cu ferestre termopan si profil de aluminiu, unde incalzirea si apa sunt deja trase, astfel incat iti poti indeplini visul de a avea un jacuzzi personal.

Mai departe, terasa deschisa se dezvaluie ca o gradina privata, avand o suprafata de 157 mp, cu pomi ornamentali, insulite artificiale si o fantana arteziana.  Gazonul impecabil este intretinut de un sistem automat de irigare, programabil. Instalatiile electrice sunt deja pregatite, oferindu-ti libertatea de a crea un spatiu personalizat dupa dorintele tale. Si daca mai ai nevoie de un colt retras, balconul acoperit ce se deschide din living, adauga un plus de intimitate acestui camin.

Situat la etajul 1 al unui imobil din apreciatul cartier Luceafarul, acest apartament beneficiaza de o pozitie de exceptie. La doar cativa pasi de centrul orasului, te bucuri de acces rapid la principalele bulevarde, scoli de renume, institutii importante si toate serviciile de care ai nevoie zi de zi. Este locul perfect unde confortul modern si accesibilitatea intalnesc un strop de liniste si rafinament.

Pe langa toate acestea, apartamentul este dotat cu sisteme de alarma antiefractie  si vine cu posibilitatea de a achizitiona doua locuri de parcare in subteran si doua boxe pentru depozitare. Acestea aduc nu doar un plus de functionalitate, ci si o nota de eleganta unui stil de viata care cere ordine si spatiu.


Here is a house, having a total area of 324 sqm, which you rarely have the opportunity to meet, out of the box and perfect for those who want more than just a living space!

The apartment with triple East-South-West orientation is composed of two bedrooms, each with its charm: one benefits from a dressing room and its own bathroom, and the other invites you to a terrace perfect for moments of relaxation. The central space, a generous living room with open kitchen, offers you the ideal setting for evenings spent with your loved ones. In addition, a second bathroom and a welcoming hallway complete this well-thought-out home, all totaling a usable area of over 96 sqm.

But what makes this apartment really special are its terraces, true oases of relaxation. From the inside, you step to a closed terrace, of 46 sqm, arranged with double-glazed windows and aluminum profile, where the heating and water already exists, so you can fulfill your dream of having a personal jacuzzi.

Further, the open terrace reveals itself as a private garden, with an area of 157 sqm, with ornamental trees, artificial islets and an artesian fountain. The impeccable lawn is maintained by an automatic, programmable irrigation system. The electrical installations are ready, giving you the freedom to create a personalized space according to your wishes. And if you still need a secluded corner, the covered balcony that opens from the living room, adds extra privacy to this home.

Located on the 1st floor of a building in the appreciated Luceafarul neighborhood, this apartment benefits from an exceptional position. Just a few steps from the city center, you enjoy quick access to the main boulevards, renowned schools, important institutions and all the services you need every day. It is the perfect place where modern comfort and accessibility meet a touch of tranquility and refinement.

In addition to all this, the apartment is equipped with burglar alarm systems and comes with the possibility of purchasing two underground parking spaces and two storage boxes. They bring not only an extra functionality, but also a touch of elegance to a lifestyle that demands order and space.

Caracteristici apartament

  • Zona: Calea Aradului
  • Suprafata utila: 96.45 mp
  • Confort: 1 sporit
  • Compartimentare: decomandat
  • Etaj: 1/8
  • Numar Bai: 2
  • Numar Balcoane: 1
  • Numar Camere: 3
  • An Constructie: 2010

Caracteristici generale apartament

  •  Acces:Fata
  •  Acces internet:Fibra optica
  •  Aer Conditionat:Da
  •  Calorifere:Da
  •  Clasa Energetica:B
  •  Contorizare:Apometre Contor electric
  •  Destinatie:Locuinta
  •  Geam baie:Da
  •  Incalzire:Centrala Imobil
  •  Interfon:Interfon
  •  Izolatii termice:Exterior
  •  Lift:Lift
  •  Mobilat:Modern
  •  Stadiu Finisare:Finalizat
  •  Strazi:Asfaltate
  •  Tip Bloc:Bloc


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